The social video prepared by Unicapital has generated significant interest, with nearly 4 million views
The main goal of the project, launched with the slogan "You know this best!", is to prevent people from falling for unrealistic offers and quick profits, and to increase investment awareness.
The social video produced by Unicapital to educate citizens has garnered significant interest, amassing over 3.7 million views across several social media and media channels. The view count on the company's official Instagram page has exceeded 1 million.
The video was made with the support of the Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation.
Let remind that educating the younger generation about investment is one of the main priorities in the company's long-term development prospects.
Unicapital Investment Company OJSC has been operating in the investment field for 17 years. The company always attaches importance to corporate social responsibility and takes steps to enhance the financial literacy of the population.
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